Nile Waterfront
The vision of the Nile Waterfront project is to invigorate Cairo's Urban Heart to the future by revitalizing the cities elevation along one of the worlds most famous rivers "The Nile". The Nile Waterfront is derived by solving the social and urban problems while rejuvenating the river bank to reconnect the city to its river once again. That connection shall take place on a pedestrian level side by side to proper re-planning the existing and expected traffic problems.
A plan for river restoration is implemented within the project. The restoration plan assures the purity water quality and overall river environment. Further more the river restoration plan also includes creating new activities that interact with the newly connected river banks to the city forming festival calendars which reflect a new image and true vision of Cairo and Egypt to the world.
The Nile Waterfront project shall also include a controlling plan to prevent the illegal building expansion taking place now continually on the very valuable Nile islands (Al-Dahab and Al-Warrak). The project provides a re-settlement plan for people who live there and re-plan both islands to form new downtown river destinations in the middle of Cairo.
In order for the project to take place in reality, the high land value planned and found on the Nile is developed to generate enough cash income to cover the project expenses. It is also highly expected that by the project shall generate the profit to the government enough to start developing the slums starting from adjacent areas to the all Cairo at the end.
The project shall be the first and main spark that inspires a new vision for Cairo's Urban Downtown and then the whole city to transform it into one of the most desirable destinations in the Middle East once again.
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Services: Design, Urban Planning
Market: Urban Planning